All Bronze Medallion candidates will undergo an induction which will be conducted by a suitably experienced club official or senior member. This should include all the points in the induction checklist in the Introduction Chapter of the 34 th Edition Public Safety and . The update of the manual follows the national review of the Surf Rescue Certificate and Bronze Medallion course curriculum and is Surf Life Saving Australia's (SLSA) response to overwhelming feedback from members requesting an electronic and mobile friendly www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 2 mins. ronze Medallion manual, “Public Safety and Aquatic Rescue” (right). The Bronze manual provides all the information you require to develop the skills needed to be a lifesaver, and this guide explains how you will be assessed, and what assessors will File Size: 1MB.
Bronze Medallion. Bronze Medallion challenges the candidate both mentally and physically. Judgment, knowledge, skill, and fitness - the four components of water rescue - form the basis of Bronze Medallion training. Candidates acquire the assessment and problem-solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on, and around the water. Training Officer Bronze Medallion, OR Facilitator Bronze Medallion (currently endorsed as per state requirements) NATIONAL LEARNING RESOURCES 34th edition Public Safety and Aquatic Rescue Training Manual Bronze Medallion/Cert II PowerPoint Online Bronze Medallion/Cert II Course. Order the Canadian Lifesaving Manual (CLM) and the Bronze Medallion Workbook ( edition) at the same time and get the workbook at a reduced price. The CLM is the required textbook for candidates in the Bronze medal awards. The page Bronze Medallion Workbook - designed for use with the CLM - guides candidates through important.
The PSAR35 manual costs $10 for SLS members and is automatically free for current Trainers, Assessors and Facilitators (TAFs) who can train or assess any of the awards listed below. Bronze Medallion First aid Radio operations Resuscitation Spinal management Surf Rescue Certificate. The Bronze Medallion course provides participants with the skills and knowledge in order to be able to participate in Surf Life Saving patrol operations. This is the core award to be a surf lifesaver in Australia. Bronze Medallion award is established. 30 lifesaving rescues are documented - 16 rescues by members of the Swimmers’ Life Saving Society. HRH, the Duke of York, later King George V, becomes the first president of the Swimmers’ Life Saving Society. A.L. Cochrane is made Honorary Representative of the Society in Canada.