Spectrolink Comfort Controller Manual Controller Australians have been coming home to the wonderful warmth of Braemar for well over 50 years. Designed and made right here in Australia, in our Albury factory, Braemar ducted gas central heating leads the market and is renowned for its reliability and incredible energy efficiency. Not. Braemar spectrolink multi zone manual (spectrolink comfort control, scc) 8. pdf geberit cisterne manual. pdf crocheting instructions. only braemar ecostar offers you such incredible control and flexibility. tradepro catalogue - core comfort. pdf shuttle av18 . Manual T/stat” alongside circuit board. 6. COMMISSIONING Commission and test the heater as described in the heater installation instructions. Spectrolink Multi Zone To Evap Control 24V Refrig Output Heater Manual T/Stat Warranty Service Australia www.doorway.ru
This section of the manual covers operation of your Braemar TH or THM series gas ducted heater using your Spectrolink Comfort Controller/s (SCC) - note that some functions are not available with 3 star models. Turn the manual over for instructions on operation of a Braemar, Breezair or Coolair evaporative cooler, or operation of a. of Breezair and Braemar models, including EXQ, EZQ, EXS, LCQ and LCS models. BMQ and CPQ coolers can be upgraded to the fully featured MagIQtouch controller. The MagIQtouch controller can be used on its own to operate an evaporative cooler. ILLB ILLA ILLA A single MagIQtouch controller can also be used with a MagIQtouch Air. 2-wire type manual digital thermostat. Connect a low voltage 2-wire loom between the thermostat and "T/STAT" on the BSC circuit board. Note that with Braemar THD3 series heaters zoning and evaporative or refrigerated cooler operation is not possible with these thermostats. Braemar Spectrolink Comfort Control (SCC).
Spectrolink Comfort Control. SpectroLink. Setup and Operations Manual. Revision. G. Source Spectrolab, Inc. Page 1 of SpectroLink. Setup and Operation Manual. Read this manual before installation and operation. Make sure that it is kept for later references. InShot BurnerTM the Spectrolink Controller, and up to 10 zones with. In MANUAL mode, press to switch between HOME and AWAY. SET Used to enter time and day setting mode, and to accept values in program setting mode. ON/OFF HOME/AWAY AUTO ON HEAT HOME WED PROG Used to enter program setting mode when the remote control in ON. MAN/AUTO Press to switch between MANUAL and AUTO operation. ECO Press to enter or exit ECO mode. UP ARROW. This Manual details the operation and set-up of the Braemar Comfort Controller when used to operate Braemar 3 Star, 4 Star and 5 Star Gas Ducted Heaters. Detail is provided for Comfort Controller operation of the Breezair, Braemar and Coolair range of Evaporative Airconditioners. The Spectrolink Comfort Controller will also operate Add-On.