· particular, the Airline Operations Control Center (AOCC), the section of the airline responsible for day to day operations, was investigated and analyzed. Areas where better cooperation between FAA and the AOCCs could be instituted were identified and defined. In this study, we traveled to American Airlines and United Airlines to. Reference: Regulation (EU) No / on Air Operations, Annex II (Part ARO), Annex III (Part ORO) As stated in www.doorway.ru, an operator has to submit, as part of its application for an AOC, a description of its management system, including the organisational structure, which constitutes its safety management manual, whose content is described. Pilot work rules (FAA regulation Part ) • 1, hours in any calendar year. • hours in any calendar month. • 34 hours in any 7 consecutive days. • 8 hours during any 24 consecutive hours for a flight crew consisting of one pilot. • 8 hours between required rest periods for a flight crew consisting of two pilots qualified under this part for the operation being conducted.
Flight operations: Air operator's certificate process manual: 1 November Flight operations: Air traffic service providers — Entry control procedures manual: 21 July Airspace and aerodromes: Air traffic service training providers — Entry control procedures manual: 21 November Subpart C - Certification Rules for Supplemental Air Carriers and Commercial Operators [Reserved] Subpart D - Rules Governing All Certificate Holders Under This Part [Reserved] Subpart E - Approval of Routes: Domestic and Flag Operations (§§ - ). Part B of the Operations Manual can be supplemented with or substituted by parts of the Aircraft Flight Manual. PART C Route and Aerodrome Instructions and Information In Part C, Operator produced material can be substituted with route guide material produced by specialized companies (e.g. Jeppesen).
As part of our airline consulting services we design, write and create airlines manual for our global customers. All manuals are created by our team of expert consultants that work closely with each airline ensuring that the information contained in the manuals is accurate and compliant with the operational requirements and regulations of each operator and their Authority. Flight Operations Manual SPEC inc. Sterling Circle, Suite Boulder, CO USA Phone Fax Revision 1 J. Part C: Commercial air transport operations, comprising route/role/area and aerodrome/operating site instructions and information. Part D: Includes information about the training such as the instructions of the staff and their evaluation. There is a series of guide materials published by EASA that reinforce the provisions of regulation /