Affinity heat exchanger manual

The re-concentrated glycol leaves the reboiler through an overflow pipe and passes into the shell side of the heat exchanger surge tank. In the surge tank the hot re-concentrated glycol is cooled by exchanging heat with the wet glycol stream passing through the coil. The surge tank also acts as a liquid accumulator for feed for the lean glycol. Affinity heat exchanger. 4 circuit heat exhanger - liquid to liquid. 20 HP pump. New, unused. Specifications: Power: v, 3 phase, 50 Hz or v, 3 phase, 60 Hz. 23 amps. Dimensions: /4"H x 24"W x 53"D. York Affinity 98% eff heat exchanger leak. 2-year old furnace. Modcon model with 98% efficiency. Customer called to ask we check why water is leaking from the furnace. Tech finds it's coming from the secondary SS heat exchanger. York said if we're willing to drive (minutes each way) to pick a new one up, no charge, no freight no paperwork.

Otherwise, warranties revert to the standard year heat exchanger and 5-year parts limited warranties. WARNING: *These heating products do not meet the California Rule air district 14 ng/J NOx emission limit, are subject to mitigation fees of up to $ and are not eligible for the Clean Air Furnace Rebate Program. York Heat pump. These high efficiency, compact units employ induced combustion, reli-able hot surface ignition and high heat transfer aluminized tubular heat exchangers. The units are factory shipped for installation in upflow or horizontal applications and may be converted for downflow applica-tions. Congratulations on your purchase of an Affinity™ product. I want to personally welcome you to the Lydall larger family. In October of , Lydall purchased Affinity Industries, in an effort to expand capability as a Total Thermal Solutions Provider. Affinity's chillers and heat exchangers complement Lydall's existing wide array of.

Find Lydall Affinity E-Series Water Cooled Chiller Heat Exchanger EWAAD-ED16CAN in San Jose, California, United States. Lydall Affinity E-Series Water Cooled Chiller Heat Exchanger EWAAD-ED16CAN0 Used Clean Condition Lydall Affinity E-Series Water Cooled Chiller Heat Exchanger EWAAD-ED16CAN0, V Voltage: V 60Hz, A Part No: Weight Lb Dimension: 27 * 19 * combustion products from the heat exchanger upon completion of the heating cycle to prolong the heat exchanger life. • Self Diagnostic Fan Control Module - Due to this self diagnostic control, less on site time is required to trouble shoot these units. • Spark To Pilot Ignition - Provides faster heat delivery. Lytron joins Boyd Corporation. Boyd Corporation, through its specialty thermal division Aavid, announced the acquisition of Lytron Inc. on J to further augment Boyd’s robust global manufacturing organization and engineering capacity for liquid cooled solutions. We’ve been working hard to integrate these two complementary product.


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