Aalborg gfm manual

Aalborg GFM 57 Manuals User Guides. User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Aalborg GFM 57 Measuring Instruments. Database contains 1 Aalborg GFM 57 Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Operating manual. Aalborg, Manufacturer of High Quality Flow Instrumentation. Aalborg gfm17 manual top trending in Denmark, listing the latest results for aalborg gfm17 manual.

this manual or in writing from Aalborg, may impair the protection provided by the equipment. PIN XFM FUNCTION 1 Common, Signal Ground For Pin 2 ( mA return) 2 Vdc or mA Flow Signal Output 3 Relay No. 2 - Normally Open Contact 4 Relay No. 2 - Common Contact 5 Common, Power Supply (- DC power for 11 to 26 Vdc) 6 Relay No. 1 - Common. Select an option 1/4" Compression 1/8" Compression 1/4" VCR® (+$) 3/8" Compression 1/2" Compression 3/4" FNTP 3/4" Compression (+$) 6 mm Compression (+$) Display. Select an option No Display LCD Readout (+$) Power. Select an option Universal +12 to +26 Vdc. Output Signal. Select an option Vdc mA. Digital Interface. Open the catalog to page 1. MASS FLOW METERS and 77 High Flow Mass Flow Meters NIST Traceable Calibration TABLE 1 - SPECIFICATIONS FOR GFM ACCURACY: ±% of full scale. OPTIONAL ENHANCED ACCURACY: ±% of full scale. Performed at standard conditions [ psia ( kPa) and 70 FF ( FC)] unless otherwise requested.

Aalborg GFM 57 Manuals User Guides. User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Aalborg GFM 57 Measuring Instruments. Database contains 1 Aalborg GFM 57 Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Operating manual. Aalborg, Manufacturer of High Quality Flow Instrumentation. Use of the GFM flow transducer in a manner other than that specified in this manual or in writing from Aalborg7, may impair the protection provided by the equipment. Remote LCD Readouts GFM Mass Flow Meters are available with optional remote reading LCD displays supplied with a three foot long wire to accommodate most applications.


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