· Technical Assistance Manual at , 8 FEP Manual (BNA) (). The only federal court to have addressed the issue under the ADA has held that an individual's ADA rights are not precluded by a state workers' . · 68 See EEOC Compliance Manual § , n, Definition of the Term "Disability," 8 FEP Manual (BNA) , n () (an employer "does not have to excuse misconduct, even if the misconduct results from an impairment that rises to the level of a disability, if it does not excuse similar misconduct from its other employees"); see of the Americans with Disabilities Act III, 8 FEP Manual (BNA) , (). The Manual includes a page Resource Directory, including federal and state agencies, and disability organizations that can provide assistance in identifying and locating reasonable accommodations.
5. 8 FEP Manual (BNA) , , , (). All of the above-listed documents, with the exception of the Technical Assistance Manual, are also available through the Internet at www.doorway.ru All of these documents provide guidance that applies to federal agencies through the Rehabilitation Act of , 29 U-S.C. § 2. (ADA) of , 8 FEP Manual (BNA) ()[hereinafter Disability-Related Inquiries and Medical Examinations of Employees); Enforcement Guidance: Preemployment Disability- Related Questions and Medical Examinations, 8 FEP Manual (BNA) (). The Manual provides guidance on the practical application of legal requirements established in the statute and EEOC regulations. It also provides a directory of resources to aid in compliance. The Manual is designed to be updated periodically with supplements as the Commission develops further policy guidance and identifies additional resources.
Main sources of interpretive information include (1) the interpretive guidance accompanying the title I regulations (also known as the appendix to the regulations) (29 C.F.R. pt. , appendix and §§ (o) and (p) and §); and (2) the Enforcement Guidance on Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (8 FEP Manual ()). Technical Assistance Manual at , 8 FEP Manual (BNA) (). The only federal court to have addressed the issue under the ADA has held that an individual's ADA rights are not precluded by a state workers' compensation exclusive remedy provision. 68 See EEOC Compliance Manual § , n, Definition of the Term "Disability," 8 FEP Manual (BNA) , n () (an employer "does not have to excuse misconduct, even if the misconduct results from an impairment that rises to the level of a disability, if it does not excuse similar misconduct from its other employees"); see 56 Fed. Reg. 35, () (referring to revisions to proposed ADA rule that "clarify that employers may hold all employees, disabled (including those.