How to manually fix testicular torsion

Testicular torsion typically presents with acute or insidious onset of excruciating, usually unilateral testicular and/or scrotal pain. There is a slight predilection for the left testicle. 2 Cases of bilateral torsion can also occur. 8 Torsion may be associated with a history of a recent episode of genital trauma. 9 The patient is often awaken from sleep by the pain.  · Surgical repair, or orchiopexy, is usually required to treat testicular torsion. In rare cases, your doctor may be able to untwist the spermatic cord by hand. This procedure is called “manual detorsion.”. Background: It was aimed to investigate the efficiency and reliability of the manual detorsion (MD) procedure in patients diagnosed with testicular torsion (TT). Methods: A retrospective analysis was made of the data of 57 patients diagnosed with TT, comprising 20 patients with successful MD (Group I), 28 patients who underwent emergency orchiopexy (Group II), and 9 patients Cited by:

Manual detorsion is not recommended for torsion of duration hours (prolonged ischemia leads to marked swelling and edema after which manual detorsion is not effective) Manual detorsion should not delay scrotal exploration and bilateral orchipexy in the operating room. It is indicated only in acute testicular torsion. Testicular Torsion is when tissues around the testicle (also known as the "testis") are not attached well. This can cause the testes to twist around the spermatic chord. When this happens, it cuts off the blood flow to the testicle. It can cause pain and swelling, and should be treated as an emergency. Testicular salvage is most likely if the duration of torsion is less than hours. If 24 hours or more elapse, testicular necrosis develops in most patients. Manual detorsion is contraindicated if the duration of torsion is more than 6 hours. Manual detorsion is performed without local or general anesthesia.

Procedure of Manual Detorsion. Testis twist with inward rotation in 70% cases of testicular torsion and the average number of twist in cord is 2 ( degrees). 1. A dose of analgesic and/or short-acting axiolytic may be used to blunt the discomfort of detrosion. 2. Physician is positioned in front of the standing or supine position. 3. The groups were compared in respect of age, and duration of pain. The success rate of MD, the time of testicular fixation (TF), any problems encountered in follow-up, and follow-up times were analyzed in Group I. Data were analyzed with P-P pilot, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis and Chi-square tests. Minimizing Discomfort and Rotation 1. Identify symptoms of testicular torsion. You may have had testicular torsion in the past or this could be your first 2. Call for help immediately. Check to see if you or another person has cell phone reception. This can be a 3. Take pain medication.


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