Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell Inc. Replacement Wiring If using the ST to replace other Honeywell Home Programmers, the equivalent wiring terminations are shown in the tables below. STA STC Programmer. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. . Honeywell ST(linkL-3and) NL74 8 5 Horstmann ,,Diadem,H21,H27, ENL36 1 4 H,Tiara(linkL-2and) are explained in the manufacturer’s instructions. The heating will not work if the room thermostat has switched the heating off. And, if you have a . STC can be set to 5/2 day or 1 day programme during installation. All ST models incorporate the Line of Text (LoT) display that gives clear plain English instructions whenever any button or slider is used. This means that installers, customers and users can operate all of the controls reliably, without needing to find an instruction manual.
Installation Guide 14 Install batteries Install two fresh AA alkaline batteries in back of thermostat. After installation, batteries can be changed without removing the ther-mostat from the wall (see Operating Manual for more information). Back of thermostat. Honeywell Thermostats AQTN2 User's Manual (PDF) Honeywell AC User's Manual (PDF) Honeywell rthb Installation And User Manual (PDF) Honeywell RTH Wi-Fi User Manual (PDF) HONEYWELL FOCUSPRO USER MANUAL (PDF) Honeywell Pro Series Installation Manual. The manual and setup guide provides a detailed look at how to install and program the Honeywell L and its contemporaneous Honeywell L in a way that will help get the most of the panel. This guide is perfect for those putting this system in themselves or for someone else.
This short video will explain how to use the Honeywell STC Timeswitch. We hope it will help you run your heating system at its most efficient. Honeywell ST Direct Replacement. Here in , the Honeywell ST is definitely looked at as a bit of an old boy now. And rightly so. It's decades old! But credit where its due, this Programmer was / is a great little workhorse. Although, the technology is now a bit dated. It's only a one channel, one day unit. Hi I'm looking to replace my old Honeywell st programmer with a new www.doorway.ru connections on the st are to 8 (HW on) 5 (CH on).A link between com 6 and com 4. A link between Live and com www.doorway.ru the usual live and neutral www.doorway.ru I be right in thinking that I just need to connect old 5 to the new 4 (CH on) and the old 8 to the.