Product Description. The oldest and most popular method of filtration is sand. Sand filters share two things in common: 1) When in the filtration mode, water always flows from top to bottom; 2) They all have some sort of lateral or under drain with slots to hold back sand while allowing clean, filtered water to pass through. High-rate sand. This video shows how to install a Hayward ST sand www.doorway.ruate Links. Buy a Hayward Super Sand Filterhttps://amzn.t. 16 In Sand Filter Syst W/1Hp L Item #W3STS. Pump-to-filter union connection provides simple installation and winterization Hayward websites have been developed in compliance with standards for Internet Explorer 10 or later. IE9 and older versions are not supported.
OWNER'S MANUAL INSTALLATION, OPERATION PARTS SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL IST90 Rev. D Your Hayward Pro Series high-rate sand filter is a high performance, totally corrosion-proof filter that blends superior flow characteristics and features with ease of operation. It represents the very latest in high-rate sand filter technology. NEW Hayward Sand Filter Install [ STEP by STEP ] Prime Membership Monthly Discounts - Day FREE Prime Amazon Membership - https://a. ProSeries top-mount and side-mount sand filters utilize a precision engineered umbrella-fold self-cleaning lateral system to provide efficient flow and evenly distributed water for totally balanced backwashing and long lasting performance. Manuals. Models: SS, SSV, SS, SS Hayward websites have been developed in compliance.
Your Hayward Pro Series high-rate sand filter is a high performance, totally corrosion-proof filter that blends superior flow characteristics and features with ease of operation. It represents the very latest in high-rate sand filter technology. OWNER’S MANUAL INSTALLATION, OPERATION PARTS MODELS ST, ST, ST, ST PRO™ SERIES HIGH-RATE SAND FILTERS SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL IST Rev. A Basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: Failure to follow instructions can cause severe injury and/or death. This is the safety-alert symbol. General Installation Notes Filter Installation Installation of the Pressure Gauge Removing the Filter Manway Cover Re-Installation of the Manway Cover Testing of Filter Installation of the Sand 5. Normal Operation Filtration Backwash Close/ Isolate 6. Changing of the Sand 7. Winterizing 8. Graph of Filter.