Goulds 3756 manual

The series / are single stage, end suction, cen-trifugal pumps for general liquid transfer, booster appli-cations, irrigation and general service pumping. Pumps are available in three different materials of construction: all iron, bronze-fitted and all bronze (“S” group only). Pump impellers are fully enclosed, key driven and held in. Goulds Pumps Technical Data Water Products Goulds Pumps is a brand of ITT Corporation. www.doorway.ru Engineered for life Residential Water Systems. Friction loss. GOULDS WATER TECHNOLOGY Model S Group Engineering Data; GOULDS WATER TECHNOLOGY Models 36Operating Manual; GOULDS WATER TECHNOLOGY Models 36Repair Parts List; Related Products View All. Navigate previous. Navigate next. Web Price Please sign Price: $

Series End Suction Centrifugal Pumps Features and Benefits The 36S-Group pumps from Goulds have been designed with technical benefits to meet the needs of users in a variety of water supply, recirculation, and cooling applications. The model offers close coupled design for space saving and simplified maintenance. The 36M L-Group pumps from Goulds Water Technology have been designed with technical benefits to meet the needs of users in a variety of water supply, recirculation, and cooling applications. • The model offers close coupled design for space saving and simplified maintenance. • The model offers a bearing frame mounted. Details. Goulds 6BFFRMA0 Single Stage End Suction Pump, S-Group, Bronze Fitted Housing, 3" Discharge, 4" Inlet, Flange Connection, Rated for Temperatures up to +°F, " Impeller, Carbon vs. Ceramic Mechanical Seal, Buna-N Elastomer. More Information.

The series / are single stage, end suction, centrifugal pumps for general liquid transfer, booster applications, irriga-tion and general service pumping. Pumps are available in three different materials of construction: all iron, bronze-fitted and all bronze (“S” group only). Pump impellers are fully enclosed, key driven and held in. Residential, Commercial Low Head, Cast Iron, Bronze Fitted, End-Suction Pumps GL Series / LH Group Applications: Evaporative condensers Industrial fluid coolers Refrigeration and air conditioning systems Water circulation Liquid transfer Irrigation Features and Benefits Back pullout to reduce maintenance down time. Standard John Crane Type 21 mechanical seal for both reliability and. • For Goulds Pumps optional couplings – Ensure that the coupling hub set screw is backed out enough to ensure clearance for the shaft key during assembly. Mount the coupling assembly to the engine flywheel using the bolts provided torqued as follows in a crossing sequence: 61⁄ 2" or 71⁄ 2" Flywheel – 11 lbs.-ft. (15 N.m) 8", 10" or ⁄.


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