User Manual UM_INLC_ADK Revision _A Inova Semiconductors Confidential Page 11 of 21 Figure 6 – main.c The control commands can be sent in debugging mode or using the freemaster GUI project “”. The freemaster GUI can be used after the project has been built and has been flashed onto the microcontroller. This User Manual describes the FreeMASTER application developed by NXP's engineers to control an embedded application using a graphical environment running on a PC. The application was initially created for developers of real-time motor-control applications, but many users found it very useful for their specific development. Changing Audio Devices. If you change audio devices (e.g. add or remove sound cards, USB hardware), it's a good idea to check the Tools/Audio Config dialog before pressing Start, to verify the audio devices are as is particularly important if any audio devices e.g. Headsets, USB Sound Cards, or Virtual Cables have been disconnected since the last time FreeDV was used.
PEmicro offers various support options listed below. Click to browse PEmicro's library of flash programming algorithms or request a custom algorithm. Browse documentation and downloads for PEmicro products, including drivers, firmware updates, utilities, etc. Search for answers to your most frequently asked questions, plus additional ones. Welcome to Welcome to our site! is an international Electronics Discussion Forum focused on EDA software, circuits, schematics, books, theory, papers, asic, pld, , DSP, Network, RF, Analog Design, PCB, Service Manuals and a whole lot more! User Manual UM_INLC_ADK Revision _A Inova Semiconductors Confidential Page 12 of 22 Figure 9 - main.c The control commands can be sent in debugging mode or using the freemaster GUI project "". The freemaster GUI can be used after the project has been built and has been flashed onto the microcontroller.
This User Manual describes the FreeMASTER application developed by NXP's engineers to control an embedded application using a graphical environment running on a PC. The application was initially created for developers of real-time motor-control applications, but many users found it very useful for their specific development. User Manual UM_INLC_ADK Revision _A Inova Semiconductors Confidential Page 11 of 21 Figure 6 – main.c The control commands can be sent in debugging mode or using the freemaster GUI project “”. The freemaster GUI can be used after the project has been built and has been flashed onto the microcontroller. FMASTxxx — Rev. FreeMaster for Embedded Applications MOTOROLA INTRODUCTION 7 User Manual – FreeMaster Section 1. INTRODUCTION Overview This User Manual describes the FreeMaster application (formerly known as PC Master) developed by Motorola/Freescale engineers to allow control of an embedded application from a graphical environment.