Bell and Howell Sportster (2x8) Models printed camera manual. Buy today. Receive a high quality printed and bound manual in days. % guarantee on all orders. If you aren't completely happy just return the manual for a full refund. We have been in business for over 40 years and have hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers all over the world. Instruction Manual BH Filmo Sportster/Aristocrat 8mm Cameras: $ #BH Instruction Manual BH Wilshire/ Monterey 8mm Cameras: $ #BH Instruction Manual BH Add-a-Unit Film Editing Equipment: $ #BH Instruction Manual BH Filmo Close-Up Attachment: $ #BH Instruction Manual. Bell And Howell Filmo Sportster. I have owned it since the s AND was a fun camera to use. The body has a flat bottom so it can sit on its own. This is a double loop 8mm self wind movie camera made by BELL AND HOWELL. This model was made from the late s to early s. Bell And Howell Vintage Cinema Camera Autoload Model Manual 96%().
Care Of Camera. Critical Focuser. Depth of Table for inch Lens.. Depth of Field Table for I-inch Lens.. Depth of Field Table for 2-inch Lens. Vintage Bell Howell Filmo Sportster 8mm Movie Camera Operating Manual. $ $ shipping. or Best Offer. $ $ shipping. Vintage Bell Howell Filmo Sportster Double Run Eight 8mm Movie Camera used. $ $ shipping. ART-DECO MOVIE CAMERA VINTAGE. $ $ shipping. Instructions cine movie camera BELL HOWELL. We're rounding 2nd base, and heading for third in my series on vintage 8mm film cameras, and here for your delectation is the Bell Howell, 'Filmo' Sportster, Double Run Eight. (On the left) This tiny camera, like it's closet competitor, the Revere Eight model 88 (Right), stands only 5 inches tall, and is just 3 inches wide.
Would you look at that! A Bell and Howell Filmo Sportster 8mm movie camera. That does not need batteries! Holey crap! You got to be kidding me!c 16mm '. Filmo is a series of 16 mm and 8 mm movie equipment made by the Bell Howell Company. The line included cameras, projectors and accessories. History. The Filmo camera series started with the Filmo 70, beginning a series of models built on the same basic body that was to be continued for more than half a century. Bell And Howell Filmo Sportster. I have owned it since the s AND was a fun camera to use. Bell And Howell Vintage Cinema Camera Autoload Model Manual.