Dwyer mark ii model 25 manual

25/32 [] Ø15/64 [] MOUNTING HOLE /4 [] /4 [] MAX 4 [] Dwyer Mark II - Model 40 Molded Plastic Manometers are ideally suited for air velocity and air filter gage applica-tions at minimal cost. These inclined manometers provide linear calibration. Series Mark II Molded Plastic Air Velocity Meter OEM Specials - All models of the Dwyer® Mark II molded plastic air velocity meters can be supplied with your logo or special scale in OEM quantities. Consult factory for details. (Model 25) or float operated overflow traps (Model 40) Able to be mounted on any vertical surface;. DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC. Phone: / www.doorway.ru P.O. BOX • MICHIGAN CITY, INDIANA , U.S.A. Fax: / e-mail: info@www.doorway.ru Dwyer Mark II Manometers come in a variety of ranges. Make sure the fluid being used is for the correct manometer. Mark II #25, 27, MM and M Pa use red gage fluid.

Series MARK IIMolded Manometers are of the inclined and inclined-vertical types. The curved inclined-vertical tube of the Model 25 gage provides higher ranges with more easily read increments at low readings. The Model 25 is excellent for general purpose work. The. Description. Dwyer® Series Mark II Molded Manometers are of the inclined and inclined-vertical types. The curved inclined-vertical tube of the Model 25 gage provides higher ranges with more easily read increments at low readings. The Model 25 is excellent for general purpose work and is capable of pressure measurements above and below. MARK II, range "water column, red oil, specific weight Dwyer Mark II Molded manometers are of the inclined nd inclined vertical types, The curve inclined Model 25 Gage provides higher ranges with more easily read increments at low readings. The model 25 is excellent for general purpose work.

Mark II Model No. 25 inclined-vertical manometer, (shown with optional A portable stand) Dwyer Mark II Manometers come in a variety of ranges. Make sure the fluid being used is for the correct manometer. Mark II #25, 27, MM and M Pa use red gage fluid (specific gravity ). Mark II #26, 28 and MM use blue gage fluid (specific gravity. View and Download Dwyer Instruments 25 instructions and operation online. Mark II Series Manometers. 25 measuring instruments pdf manual download. Also for: 27, Mm, M pa, 28, 26, Mm DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC. Phone: / www.doorway.ru P.O. BOX • MICHIGAN CITY, INDIANA , U.S.A. Fax: / e-mail: info@www.doorway.ru Dwyer Mark II Manometers come in a variety of ranges. Make sure the fluid being used is for the correct manometer. Mark II #25, 27, MM and M Pa use red gage fluid.


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