Digistat 3 drayton instruction manual

View the manual for the Drayton Digistat+3RF here, for free. This manual comes under the category Thermostat and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a This manual is available in the following languages: English%(1). Drayton Digistat + 3RF Room Thermostat () purchased, good instructions, connected e'Emparelhado'o DRAYTON DIGISTAT + 2RFROOM THERMOSTAT In some from www.doorway.ru Drayton Digistat RF3 User Instructions This denotes that the batteries of the RF Digistat unit is. Digistat 3 user instructions INITIAL START UP Open the battery compartment situated at the bottom left hand corner (press to unlatch and slide down). Remove the insulator strip from between the batteries and their contacts and close the compartment. The unit will now display the actual room temperature and time at am, midnight (Diagram A).

/ Instructions Manuals / How do I put the Drayton digistat 3 in holiday mode? Instructions Manuals; When going on holiday you can lower the temperature of your home for the duration of your holiday, but set Digistat+3 to return to your normal programming ready for your return. Holiday mode works by counting down the days or hour until your. The Digistat 2 comes With the following preset programme. Symbol Setting I st day time 2nd day time 3rd day time Night time Time am am pm Temperature ICC C pm 70 * C if selector pin removed, see installation instructions TO VIEW OR CHANGE THE FACTORY SETTINGS (steps 5- I O). This video shows you how to set the clock on the Drayton Digistat +3. For more information go to www.doorway.ru

Digistat+3 in override. How to set a constant room temperature (Manual mode). Manual mode will allow you to set a temperature, over-riding all programs, until you exit manual mode. In this mode all pre-set time temperature events will be disabled. To enter manual mode press < until the pointer indicates MAN (Fig 2). Digistat+3 in override. mode). (Manual temperature room constant a set to How all -riding over temperature, a set to you allow will mode Manual pre-set all mode this In mode. manual exit you until programs, disabled. be will events temperature time MAN indicates pointer the until manual enter o T. View and Download Drayton Digistat+ 3 installation user manual online. Programmable Room Thermostat. Digistat+ 3 thermostat pdf manual download. Also for: Digistat+ 3 , ,


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