This manual is intended for the person responsible for configuring and administering PortServer TS 8/ It assumes that this person has experience configuring network devices and is familiar with networking concepts. Scope This manual provides step-by-step instructions for configuring and administering PortServer TS 8/16’s main features. · This manual provides information on the following Digi devices. PortServer TS 8. PortServer TS 16 About This Guide Purpose This guide provides the following. Configuration and administration procedures. Configuration examples Audience This manual is intended for the person responsible for configuring and administering device server. Devices in the Digi One and PortServer TS Family. This manual uses “the Digi One and PortServer TS Family” to refer to all devices in the family, and family names to refer to a group of devices. For example, the command summaries in this chapter and the device-support information for .
Digi PortServer TS 1/2/4. PortServer TS is easy to install locally or remotely through a variety of IP addressing methods (DHCP, RARP, ARP-Ping) along with an application included on the installation CD that will automatically detect all PortServer devices on your network. HemaTrax Print Server Setting s NOVEMBER User Guide Print Server Settings box, when checked, directs the print server is directed to use the U.S. Consensus Standard specification for formatting the bar code and text of the collection date and expiration date on the date and time label quadrant. PortServer TS serial servers offer RS serial port expansion, making it easy to connect any serial device to your network. Available in 1, 2, or 4-port models, these serial servers combine the inherent benefits of data networking with proven asynchronous connectivity.
Digi’s patented RealPort®, with encryption and user authentication*, makes it possible to establish a connection between the host and networked serial device by creating a local COM or TTY port on the host computer, allowing software applications to work with networked device servers instead of requiring a host adapter. This online manual, available on the Access Resource CD, provides complete information on commands. RealPort Setup Guides These online manuals provide information on setting up servers for RealPort software. Digi Port Authority - Remote Device Monitor Setup Guide. This card, which comes in the PortServer TS 8/16 package, provides a brief overview on the setup process. Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference. This online manual, available on the Access Resource CD, provides complete information on commands. RealPort Setup Guides.