the chemical laboratory. Chemistry and chemicals have a central place in science, and safe chemical practices are the most basic and fundamental parts of any lesson. Having acquired good chemical safety habits early, stu-dents are better prepared when they move on to more advanced courses. The ACS Committee on Chemical Safety is pleased to present this manual. The Chemical Hygiene Plan that is required by the Lab Standard must be specific for each lab and must provide a detailed chemical hygiene plan that outlines policies procedures used to protect the laboratory workers. Material Safety Data Sheets must be immediately available in all laboratories. Hazardous Chemicals. The purpose of this manual is to meet the basic regulatory requirements of the OSHA Laboratory Standard for the development of a Chemical Hygiene Plan and to provide laboratories with useful recommendations that can help achieve compliance with the intent of the OSHA Lab Standard.
The general Lab Safety Manual and Chemical Hygiene Plan (LSM-CHP) was developed by the university's Environmental Health and Safety department. Our intent is to create a generic plan that contains information on general chemical and physical safety topics including hazardous substances, equipment, and processes that are commonly used in. LABORATORY. SAFETY MANUAL (Chemical Hygiene Plan) PREPARED BY. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY. MAY FOREWORD. The Environmental Health Safety Office (EHS) supports the University in its quest to excel in research, teaching, and service. EHS has prepared this manual to promote safe. Laboratory Safety Manual. CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. This document has been prepared by the Environmental Health and Safety Department and reviewed and approved by the Laboratory Safety Committee on J. Revised October Reviewed Ap. Revised Novem. Revised April, Revised June,
The purpose of this manual is to meet the basic regulatory requirements of the OSHA Laboratory Standard for the development of a Chemical Hygiene Plan and to provide laboratories with useful recommendations that can help achieve compliance with the intent of the OSHA Lab Standard. the chemical laboratory. Chemistry and chemicals have a central place in science, and safe chemical practices are the most basic and fundamental parts of any lesson. Having acquired good chemical safety habits early, stu-dents are better prepared when they move on to more advanced courses. The ACS Committee on Chemical Safety is pleased to present this manual. The General Laboratory Safety Manual is intended only to address those universal safety measures necessary for achieving a generally safe and healthy work environment. Where the scope of hazards is not adequately addressed by this general document, specific Standard Operating Procedures must be developed by the Principal Investigator or designee.