Carpet cleaning training manuals

OSHA Safety Training. SMG values clients and their businesses. That's why SMG Corporate Services goes above and beyond to ensure that clients are provided with the best in safety and health standards. SMG has a number of health safety certifications – including OSHA certification, Cleaning Industry Management Standard, and IIRC certifications. Comprehensive training program with a one hundred-page instruction manual, page PDF full-color slides, and two detailed videos covering Seventy Mistakes Carpet Cleaners; Use it to train all of your staff. They can learn how to be carpet care experts. Take Your Carpet Care Program to the Next Level; $ download version. You download it and own it. IICRC approved Basic Skills Carpet Cleaning program including IICRC diploma. • Package contains page manual and two slide shows. • Student versions of the IICRC program are also available without the slide shows and videos. Ideal for classroom training with several students. Start or Expand a Carpet Cleaning Business.

Regular carpet cleaning: 1. Remove as many objects as possible from the carpeted surface; Desks, tables, cabinets, etc. 2. Vacuum entire floor from furthest point of the room toward the door, removing all dirt and debris from the carpet. 3. Spot carpet. Use a carpet spotter and be sure to read all directions before using any chemical. than registrants. Training was very hard to find. Carpet fibers were nylon, polyester and acrylic. Backings were made of jute and the hot colors were avocado, burnt orange, harvest gold, brown and blue. Most popular style was shag. Oh yes disco was king. The field of cleaning chemistry was in its early stages. In other words pH. Cleaning staff must attend manual handling training every year this is included in their yearly core skills training. 4. PAT Testing and Equipment Checking It is the cleaning staffs' responsibility to ensure that cleaning equipment is in good condition and has a PAT test sticker, which is within the RUH approved timescale, in place prior to.

Cleaning Management Institute (CMI) has been designed specifically to help address the need for training, improved professionalism, and increased industry pride across all segments of the cleaning industry, helping to further ISSA’s initiative to change the way the world views cleaning. Training for cleaners takes the form of a basic cleaning technique course. This Masterclass series presents a collection of manuals specifically aimed at starting a new cleaning business, moving into a new cleaning industry area or learning new business skills. We've created a dedicated sales and marketing manual for cleaning businesses and small service businesses. Training for facility managers and cleaning team managers to help be more productive and efficient. You need All % Real Jobs carpet cleaning training videos DVD collection and our Upsell Every Job two part DVD set. With these powerful DVD’s you will discover basic to advanced skills including. Effective Spotting tips to remove wine stains, ink spots, vomit, pet stains, rust, coffee, grease, paint, plant stains and more.


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